Important Announcement
Top bars don’t need to be tiny you know. Check out this one.


Business goals and customer needs, customer input and product vision, form and function—our purpose is to help our clients achieve balance.


Who needs

Research / Strategy

From learning everything about your business, to empathizing with your customers, or creating a clear view of where you’re positioned in the market, learning and understanding are present in everything we do.

Visual Design

Brand guidelines, user interfaces, motion graphics, iconography, and all things visual design, we got it.

User Experience Design

Advocating for the people you build your products for, that’s our primary directive. Design thinking, user journey / empathy mapping, and customer “jobs to be done” are just a few examples of how we work to understand your users needs.

Digital Products


Ever wanted to test an idea quickly and affordably? You should be prototyping. Test your product idea against real potential users to help drive real value.


It’s a website, we can (re)design ‘em, build ‘em, make ‘em shine.


We have a team of world class engineers that are fluent across pretty much every technology stack and market vertical you could think of. Go ahead, send me an email and I’ll verify it with them and I promise I will respond. Seriously.

We do Design, Strategy & Transformation.

Through research, customer engagement, and proven design methodologies, BAPHOS will help your products and services transcend usefulness and grow into the realm of necessity.

Design for Customers
Differentiate yourself from competitors and expand your reach into new markets to increase revenue.
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Design for Success
Uncover new business opportunities and channels through research and customer insights.
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Design for Change
Want to create a culture of customer-centricity in your organization? We can help!
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Design Strategy

We meet our clients at the nexus between business strategy and design thinking. Leveraging frameworks, roadmaps, and various methodologies, we help clients understand and realize the value of design within their organization.

Let's Connect


Are you looking to add design capabilities to your organization but you're not sure how? We have deep experience integrating design capabilities into organizations of all technical abilities and areas of focus.

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Make the right move

This UI Kit uses attractive colors and modern typography to make you look good, no matter what business you’re in.

Studio Kara Gibbs

Use this area to introduce the customer and provide some context about their success story.

Read Story

Yoke Magazine

Use this area to introduce the customer and provide some context about their success story.

Read Story

Use this section to introduce the page content.

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Let’s partner up and do great things.

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